Hybrid Planning Application

In September 2019 Southwark Council’s Planning Committee unanimously resolved to grant planning permission for the Canada Water Masterplan, after five years of extensive consultation and input from the local community. In February 2020 the Mayor of London also endorsed the scheme.

On 29 May Southwark Council granted unconditional planning permission for the Canada Water Masterplan, following the signing of the Section 106 agreement by British Land, Southwark Council and Transport for London.

Information regarding the Reserved Matters Application for a below ground electricity substation and the standalone application for a temporary innovation hub can be found here.

About the application

The Masterplan site covers approximately 53 acres. Given the size of the site and the nature of the development, the application was submitted in hybrid form whereby the first four buildings (Plots A1, A2, K1 and C) were submitted in detail (i.e. no matters reserved) and the remainder of the development will be submitted in outline with all matters reserved for future determination through subsequent Reserved Matters applications. There will be further engagement on each Reserved Matters Application as it comes forward.

The outline application does not approve all elements of the development but establishes the parameters within which future buildings can come forward, including the height, scale and quantum of uses being proposed. Full details for first four plots are provided with detailed plans, sections and elevations, alongside Computer Generated Images of how the buildings will appear.


Revised planning application

A planning application for the Canada Water Masterplan was first submitted in May 2018. In response to feedback from the local community, Southwark Council, other public bodies such as the Greater London Authority (GLA) and Transport for London (TfL), changes to the planning application were made in October 2018, March 2019 and June 2019.

Delivering more homes, including affordable homes, is a key issue for local residents, and we recognise how important it is that we provide homes that support local community needs. Following our ongoing discussions with local residents, Southwark Council and the Greater London Authority, in June 2019 we submitted amendments to the planning application, relating primarily to our affordable housing offer, as well as to some other minor amendments, such as additional transport assessments that had been carried out.

For full details of the changes made to the planning application, please view Section 4 of our Frequently Asked Questions page.


The Three “Control Documents”

For the outline application, the Design and Access Statement describes what could come forward in the future, although the precise nature and form of the buildings is not yet known. To ensure that future Reserved Matters applications are acceptable, three Control Documents will form part of any planning permission.

Development Specification:

The Development Specification sets out the maximum amount of floorspace (for each land use proposed) that can ultimately come forward on the site.

Parameter Plans:

The Parameter Plans are a series of drawings that establish rules for the development, controlling the layout and scale of future development zones. The Parameter Plans set minimum and maximum zone extents and maximum building heights. They should be read in conjunction with the Development Specification. The Parameter Plans also set out the vehicle and pedestrian access points; the location of key roads and the minimum extent of public realm.

Design Guidelines:

The Design Guidelines should be read alongside the Parameter Plans and Development Specification. The Design Guidelines establish binding standards for future buildings and public realm which will come forward as part of the Reserved Matters process.

The potential form of the development based on all of the design principles and concepts that underpin the Development Specification, Parameter Plans and Design Guidelines are represented in the Illustrative Masterplan which is described in detail in the Masterplan Design and Access Statement.

Following submission of the planning application in May 2018, these documents were updated in October 2018, March 2019 and June 2019.


Section 106 agreement

On 29 May the Section 106 agreement was signed by British Land, Southwark Council and Transport for London. This is a legally binding document that sets out the infrastructure, facilities and wider benefits we will deliver as well as commitments to drive local employment and provide discounted retail and workspace. Visit our Local Commitments page to find out more about what the Masterplan will provide.

Project Timeline

Community consultation started in Spring 2014, and between then and Summer 2019 we held over 120 public consultation and local outreach events, with a total attendance of more than 11,000. We would like to thank everybody who contributed their valuable time and ideas to the discussions, which directly informed, and in some cases changed, the plans.

In May 2020 Southwark Council granted planning permission for the Masterplan, which means we are now able to start the next phase in delivering the Masterplan. We remain committed to maintaining local involvement in the long term and community engagement will continue through the planning application period and beyond.

You can view the planning documents on Southwark Council’s Planning Register by clicking on ‘NEW online planning register’ and by searching for ‘Canada Water Masterplan’ or by entering the case reference number ‘18/AP/1604′. Below is a key selection of the planning application documents.

  • Detailed Application
  • Environmental Statement
  • Masterplan Outline Application
  • Statement of Community Involvement

Masterplan Outline Application

  • All
  • Masterplan Outline Application
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